Tuesday 24 April 2012

Blogging Tips - Save your blog

Hello everyone!
I am on blogspot for a little while now and thought it might be helpful for a few who aren't acquainted with blogger to do some kind of a "Blogging Tips series". Yet I have no idea how often I will write about it, but this one is pretty important to share with fellow bloggers.

Everyone had to deal with a similiar situation once, I guess. Sometimes blogs are being marked as a spam by Blogger or just disappear, leaving a helpless blogger behind. I came across lots of posts in help forums and I have been there too some time ago. Since my experiences terrified me I decided to make a backup plan.

How does this backup plan might look like, you probably ask. Well, let me tell you first you don't have to be a total nerd to save your blog from being deleted. Lucky us Blogger has a nice feature so we can save our entire blog contents (i.e. posts, design, adds).
In my life I lost a lot of data, be it my laptop harddrive which suddenly decided not to work anymore or my laptop which broke down several times. Being on the save site feels a lot better and let's face it - you can't trust electronic things (I hope my lap isn't huffy now...).

Let's go through the back up step by step.
First go on your Blogger starting page, click the little arrow and chose "Settings".

Second: On the left tab you see different options under "Settings", click on "Other" and three different links along the top of the page will appear:
Import blog, Export blog, and Delete blog (you really shouldn't click that one...). "Export Blog" is what we need right now, so click on that.

Third: A screen will pop up telling you some random things and asking you if you want to download your blog. Depending on how much you already posted this might take a couple of minutes, but then pops up another window (save box actually) and you can save your entire content. Make sure you will find it afterwards and that's it. :)

And if you wonder how you can get your blog back when it got deleted: Click "Import Blog" and chose your saved file and it comes back to the blogger world.

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