Friday 11 November 2011

My new experiment idea

(Source: google)

It's been a while since my last post and today I won't talk about make up or beauty related things. Instead, I will do post more about one of my other passions in the future.

But prior to that, who of you knows the movie "Julie & Julia"? One evening some time ago me and my friend had a little cooking session and afterwards we enjoyed watching the said movie which deals with two women whom lifes are interwined through cooking. While living in Paris in the fifties Julia Child tried to find herself with the help of cooking and soon she writes a cooking book with two french friends. 50 years later the unemployed Julie Powell decides to cook herself through Julia's book "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" and shares her experiences on her blog. The whole story is based on a true story (or two).

So what does this has to do with me? I always loved to cook and bake, perhaps because my Pap was a pastry cook and used to bake a lot when I was little. Besides there should be no harm with cooking and baking a little bit right? It's not that I am bored, I actually have enough to do with university and youtube, however this movie inspired me a lot.
Since I don't have a boyfriend/husband/guinea pig I don't know how many recipes I will do per week... so you have to take pot luck. ;)

Concerning the recipes... I will mix everything. First of all I always wanted to try to cook Bulgogi (불고기), not only because I freakin love it to hell and back, but also because I study Korean (so it would be nice to know a few korean recipes right?). Furthermore I found some nice italien recipes, french, american, belgian etc. etc.
Now put up and shut up -- there isn't a single cooking book which I find interesting enough to cook myself through it, so instead I will look for country-specific recipes. Having around 200 countries makes around 400 home cooking & baking recipes right? I can't wait to start this experiment.

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